Will Power is No Power



For any of us who have lost hundreds of pounds over the years through multiple yo-yo diets will tell you, willpower does not produce lasting change.  That’s because willpower requires consistently high motivation over time.  Unfortunately, motivation is rarely consistent and certainly not over long periods of time.  Willpower is dynamic and episodic.  Relying on motivation can perhaps get you started, but not to stay on the path.

Security Awareness programs that focus on punitive approaches to digital behaviors, basically stating that “the beatings will continue until the morale improves”  are demonstrating the mirror side of change via motivation, which is intimidation.  Like motivation, intimidation is not static, but is dynamic and often yields unintended consequences that damage not only the individual but the enterprise.

Instead, look to increase your ability around the behavior you want to change.  Begin by making it easy to do.  Help people feel good about themselves when they do it.  Build it into their routine.

If you don’t ask for promises, you won’t get pretense.  Instead, you will get results.

Happy Cybersecurity Awareness Month

social engineering cartoon

Social Engineering Costs Companies Billions a year.  And the bad guys don’t need a lot of fancy technology to get to you.  They just need to understand human behavior.  Take some time and have your staff work on developing good digital behaviors.  It will save you in the long run.